Saturday, October 29, 2011

Green and Lovely

No,  this isn't a complexion cream by Unilever, designed for plants.....

You never know what might inspire someone to click. Like this collection of fruits , guavas and oranges,  in Bengaluru, displaying the same color, but different attitudes, if one might call them that.

Much like folks one sees around us. Clearly emphasizing, that outer color does not give you any superior properties in life . It is what is inside that counts.

Blog reader Ganesh Balaraman posted this photo on facebook. 

(photo by Ganesh Balaraman)

has the last laugh;

Smooth semi translucent
hydrated skin
with an occasional beautyspot,
shapely lines
efforts at being
perfectly rounded,
and a sharp cut
the colorless stuff inside....

And some really

occasionally tough
green skin,
puffed a bit,
in an effort
at avoiding
a bright orange aging;
and you
gently peel its layer,
to see
some juicy
orange little ones
crowding together,
held by threads
in white...

Its all about the
Juice of Life....


  1. Such truth! A delightful concept, too.

  2. Thanks a lot...the story of the photo could not have been read in a better way....
