Sunday, December 4, 2011

Magic creation and camouflaged minds....

A brilliant capture by blogger friend Magiceye, of an Oak Leaf Butterfly,  at the Ovalekar Butterfly Garden , on the outskirts, north-east  of Mumbai, and posted as part of the Mumbai Daily: Camera Critters series.  At first I thought it was a dried leaf, involuntary pushed along by the wind, blocked by a trash can .  And was soon amazed to know that it was an oak leaf butterfly,  thanks to its legs !    

Oakleaf Butterfly (Kallima inachus),is native to tropical Asia, India and Japan. With its wings closed it looks like a dried leaf with darkish veins.  While it displays drab woody colors on the outside , brilliant colors like blue and orange are visible when it opens it wings.

There is a native intelligence about when and where to behave like a leaf, and when to display its real colors, and an abiding respect  for the environment in which it thrives.

Which is more than I can say about some folks I read about in the papers......

(photograph by Deepak Amembal Magiceye)

So many
pretending to be
what they are not.

pretending to be
Mafia types
pretending to be saints;
pretending to be doctors;
Water in Mumbai
pretending  to be potable;
Trash in Mumbai
pretending to be invisible.
All fail,
what they are
and what they strive to be
is not on the same
line and length.

And then there's
this butterfly,
so enamoured of
its own life
in the woods,
it pretends
to be a leaf
slowly flitting in the breeze,
one side stuck
amidst lines of the trash basket,
as it peers
and climbs the lines,
to see if any flowers
or rotting fruits
are inside....

The trick to being accepted
is never
or size.
It's about being one
those around
where you live.


  1. Super creation, just checked Magiceye's blog and your narration is just amazing!

  2. Magiceye has a serious eye for magic :-)
    and you have some serious words ...and verses :-)

  3. Any friend of MAGICEYE must be special - and indeed, this blog shows it. I'm your newest member!
    Do come and visit:
    Namaste & Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  4. Magiceye,Saru Singhal,Sangeeta,Cloudia

    Thank you for the lovely comments. Am still reeling from this display of magic in nature. One learns every day !
