As my friend Magiceye says , where he posted this picture, in the Saturday Photohunt Reflect and Humor series", maybe it is time to "Reflect under a Bus stop shade to Humour the advertisers."
The topic of "fairness" (in complexion) , being the biggest rip-off and piece of wool being pulled by advertisers , over the eyes of the general public. Causing thousands of young women to rush and slather their skins with unnecessary chemicals, in a desperate attempt to maintain suspect societal standards dictated by cosmetic companies, and simply generate a Melanin War....
In this disappointing state of affairs, one can only appreciate the humor in the placement of the photographers name (as if it's a quote from him :-) ) on the said billboard !
For some of us
who are born with
"deep skin damage....."
Naturally tanned,
and proud of it,
we wear uniforms to match
as we wait
with the bus conductors
and duty drivers
amidst shiny chrome stands
and white untannable billboards
in front of the
Pink Baskin Robbins
and Blackberry written in white.
Like in life,
with the Sun,
you take some, you give some.
And when it becomes
too hot,
you rest
under wonderful
old leafy mother trees,
adamantly maintaining
their place
amidst the
ravages of money
time ,commerce
and, style.
Just surprised
at the end of the day
after spouting knowledge
next to "beautiful" white faces,
Lakme Sun expert lady
should actually
hog the same space...
This white-skinned lass ( ? ) of 67, Georgia born, who has done 87 cruises about the world but is NOT an ardent sun worshipper, was horrified in February this year, when, a small mole on my nose began bleeding and turned out to be a basal cell carcinoma ( nurse that I am, I diagnosed it myself, went to my primary care MD and was immediately sent on to a dermatologist. He, then, sent me to UCSF MOHS Center, the best in removing this type of lesion. While the docs did their work, photographing constantly, I whipped out my camera and asked them to photograph the hole for my blog. They did, prior to suturing, thinking me slightly insane, I'm sure, and warned me to use a high SPF sunscreen, wear hats, etc, when out in the sun. During my four months in India, I did try to heed all the good advice since I don't want my face scarred ( their good surgery really left me with no scar but one might not always be so lucky ).