I chanced upon this wonderful post "Clash of the Titan's : Dragonfly Vs Robberfly" by S. Karthikeyan, via a link posted by a blogger friend, who was a part of a group of bloggers recently invited to tour Corbett National park by the Club Mahindra people.
Karthik, as he is referred to, has been dedicated to the photography, the study, and the dissemination of information regarding wildlife, flora and fauna of the country in general, and South India in particular, for the last 25 years. He is also actively involved in educating the public through nature and wildlife awareness camps for young and old.
To read more about his publications and activities, see this .
I never knew things like robberflies existed. Till I saw this posted by Karthik. And read about the mercenary and unapologetic way in which the robberfly simply destroys its prey.
I dont really like the look of it. Looks like a terrorist mafia ruthless type to me.
Which reminds me..... read on . :-)

simple folks
going about their daily lives,
a flit here,
some honey there,
resting a bit
to recoup.
In today’s world
they need to be wary
of robberflies.
That hold them
in a vice grip,
inject them,
and proceed
to sip the
life out of them.
like what
we see happening elsewhere
in the country:
the corrupt,
become the powerful,
and sponge off
ordinary folks,
just trying to live.
Is there a Tihar jail
for Robberflies ?
Or should we file and have a PIL (Prime Investigations by a Lizard) ?