Saturday, May 12, 2012

And the fruits listened ......

Hot  summer days in Mumbai , children having summer vacations, and a variety of summer fruits means kids and adults both frequently enjoying fruit salads with cool custard. 

 Hot summer days in places like Delhi, sometimes means hot days in Parliament, and sometimes I think folks there can learn a lot from kids.

My blogfriend Magiceye, has been actually enjoying such fruit salads, and posted this , as part of his Saturday Photohunt Series. 

It just got me thinking of adding a final dollop of icecream....:-))

Lovely circular
crystalline premises,
with vertical column designs
reflecting the country's powerful
on a bright
and sunny day.

revealing themselves
falling to pieces inside;
Older mature Chikoos,
shoving aside the seeds,
rushing in to
express concern;
with their Hapoos security,
bossing their way in
cut up just so,
watched by
the adolescent oranges
stewing in their
own angry juices
and conspiring with
the pineapple bits.

The slightly peaceful
apples and pears
at all the
enmities and commotion,
after so many years and years
of meeting together,
as a solitary green grape
enters the premises
new to everything.

And then a child
looks on delightedly
at a jug
cold milk of human kindness
by some educated custard, 
and simply pours it all
over the fighting fruits,
" Chill, guys !
there is nothing more sweeter
than all of us in this
and for those
who are still fighting
maybe a slap of icecream would help ?"

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