Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sit back and wonder !

Sometimes newly upholstered chairs inspire , and one even imagines a dog, lying behind the chair observing the going ons....

(photo by Sylvia Kirkwood)

Beautifully beige,
the fibers
to the full
in accomodation,
taking a deep breath,
Ms Chair nudges
the cushion,
just recovered
from a Sylvian clutch,
as the lady sat,
feet on the
beige stool
tapping in beat
the Symphony.

"I thought
she'd never get up",
said Ms Chair
as she
looked piteously
at the stool
half hidden
by the shawl.
"The new fibres
are young,
and I need to
breathe a bit"

didn't notice
Mojo, ***
quietly listening,
behind the chair,
waiting for Sylvia
to return
with her
cup of coffee....

*** Sylvia's dog


  1. You've gotten a number of comments on my blog as well! You're getting quite a reputation for your artistry!
    Have a lovely evening!


  2. Thank you, Sylvia ! and yes, I have been following the comments on your blog too ! Feels good that folks like the header and poem.....this must be one of my good days....
