Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Making of a Royal

There are Queens, there are Princesses ,  and there are balconies. And terraces.

My friend Shail Mohan, who chronicles the Life and Times of Luci Shail, posted this imposing visual, of a Crown Princess surveying her realms from the ramparts of the Royal terrace.

There is a sense of responsibility, a sense of royal duty.  Because the  Queen , is actually away , visiting Bozoland , up North from where she stays.

And HRH Lucinda alias Luci , although still very young in age, and given to chewing spectacles as a royal hobby,   takes her responsibilities seriously, and must keep a keen eye on intrusions....

The Crown Princess,
future Monarch,
HRH Lucinda,

in her role
Knight Commander
of the Legion of Barks,
Duchess of the Plantain Patch,
Honorary Brigadier
of the Thiruvananth Spectacle Fighters,
in action
on the Royal Terrace
surveying her realm,
in the absence
of the Queen
who was away
clicking another Crown Prince
in Bozoland.

The Coconut trees
simply perform
the Guard of Honor
every time she appears...

the Royals take their roles seriously.

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