Ladakh, at the roof of the world, in India's North, provides a brilliant landscape of peace and introspection. Lakshmi Sharath, a professional travel writer who blogs here, displays the complete brilliant tapestry of Ladakh, captured by her magical camera here.
(photo by Sharath Krishnamurthy/Lakshmi Sharath)
Tearing the fabric,
Destroying structures,
Ill-motivated humans
aiming balls
at a game...
of political
Lagori.... *****
When will they learn
that despite
the howling Northwind
an occasional
icy wave
and erosion of values
all around,
Up there
amidst the
Roof of the world,
Empathy, and effort
albeit precariously
the edifice
of peace,
and again, and again.....
*****Lagori : Marathi word for a childrens' game where they hit a ball and try to break this piled up structure; and everyone tries to reconstruct while the opposition searches for the ball and tries to break the structure again...
The Fourth Place: Building Bridges, Breaking Walls
20 hours ago
Beautiful as always, my friend! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!