Thursday, June 19, 2014

Miss LeafyGreen 2014

My fb and blogger friend Shail Mohan , also known as the shutterbug lady, lives in what is known as Gods own Country, a state in India, blessed with great rains and greater greenery.

She has a photoblog called Shots and Captures.

This blog has  a huge set of photographs of nature, including monsoon skies, evening skies, water drops, rains and her garden.  She recently posted this amazing Bokeh visual and titled it "sleeping".

But like they say, perceptions differ.  While her perception probably has to do with a more sedate, nature-appreciating  and restful way of life,  what someone in Mumbai saw was something else.

At the end of the day, the eye of the beholder.  :-)

the white arc lights
the slim, tall

statuesque ones,
vying for
the Miss LeafyGreen 2014,
standing together,
yet aloof,
their own beauty business....


  1. I hope you got my comment. It just disappeared!

    1. Shail, I guess it disappeared. What you see above is what has arrived. You think FB has its eyes on blogger now ? hat might explain the weird stuff....

  2. Beautiful capture and the perfect words as always! Hope all is going well in your world these days, Suranga!! Enjoy a lovely weekend!!!

    1. Sylvia, thank you! Yes, the hot days of summer seem to be ending here, and we await the monsoon....
