Saturday, May 3, 2014

Guard of Honor ?

My friend Shail Mohan lives in dynamic equilibrium with birds, animals, trees, flowers, clouds , rains, the sun, and rains that shower good wishes upon all of them . And she often clicks amazing captures like this one, full of meaning ......

The ramrod straight greens, the smartly moving butterfly,  bring  back memories of numerous visuals on TV where top citizens of the country take "guards of honor".

And then suddenly it becomes clear why the butterfly seems to be doing so.

Rustles  and Raindrops
and a breeze in command,
and the

Supreme Commander butterfly
presumed apolitical
in white
passing through
the upright guard of honor
on arrival.

These days
it helps
to fly
having antennas
in high places
not have a connection
with the ground realities....


  1. Exquisite capture and beautiful words to match, Suranga!! Enjoy a lovely weekend!!

  2. Wow. The picture actually looks better here with your words as accompaniment :)
