My Blog and FB friend Bhavesh Chhatbar potsed some amazing pictures of the monkeys of Jaipur. With an intriguing title "Monkeys of Jaipur - Funny Terror"....
He also describes in great detail how they run wild across houses, walls and fences, marauding food at will, and troubling people. So much so, that people are very wary and always keep their doors and windows tightly shut (monkeys can open windows), when there is a monkey gang in the vicinity.
Just remembered some others who actually do the same, but sadly, ordinary law abiding folks have no way to protect themselves there. And then it also came to mind, that so many young folks , look up to, and follow the elders.
Just saying. ....
(all photographs by Bhavesh Chhatbar)
Looking on
at the different
modus operandi
for different folks,
the little one wonders
he is cut out for it.
False Bravado
Polite threats
Lies masquerading as truths,
Showing muscle,
and grabbing the goodies.
He scratches,
contemplating an internship.
A rustle of leaves
and fur,
and the leader arrives,
on the stage
beside him,
craving hot action,
mobilizing muscles and thoughts.
Watch me , young fellow,
and learn,
how to be an intimidating leader,
grabbing at will
what isn't his,
marauding dwellings
and people,
and when
the investigators come,
stand watching from a distance
with a look of concern....
No education, no degrees,
no appraisals, no retirements,
just enjoying the fruits
of the labour
It's just that
it is someone else's labour.
Nishkaam karma ...
I work
without expectation
of the fruit of my labour....
What to do ?
It simply falls into my hands.